I apologise for not posting much recently, but I've had a lot to do with my "real" job (recording audio books), and I've been frantically trying to catch up after feeling rubbish for a week and not getting much done.
Apart from playing with a few clay techniques, I haven't done any jewellery work at all since the pieces I made for Christmas presents - shame! I'm dying to get back into it.
I should be finished with the current book by the end of today though, so I'll have some time after that to create to my heart's content.
So in lieu of pictures of my work, here's an Etsy artist that I've discovered recently, thelonebeader. I just love ther work, so clever and detailed, plus she uses those tiny little seed beads that I'm a little obsessed with. My favourite piece is this beaded cardinal.
The cardinal's such a cool bird! One day, if I ever get to the US, I might see one in person. Anyway, I'd cheerfully mug someone* for this pin, because it's gorgeous.
*Actually I'd never mug anyone. Stealing is wrong. But I would compliment them on it, ask where they got it, and then try to persuade them to give it to me!